YouTube Restriction Checker – Check YouTube Video Region Restrictions Online

Youtube is the best music/video streaming platform that is there on the internet. The American online video sharing and social media platform that is currently owned by Google is easily one of the most browsed websites/apps now. In fact, Youtube currently is the second most visited website by total user visits, the first being Google.

youtube restriction checker

Ever since Youtube was discovered by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim in 2005, it rapidly surged in demand, being the first of its kind platform for viewing and uploading online video content. It was eventually acquired by Google in November 2016, after just a single year of its foundation for a whopping $1.65 billion in a stock-for-stock transaction.

Youtube’s journey is nothing but glorious, to say the least. Along with all the services that Youtube provides its users with, the Google-backed platform has never compromised with the security that it offers its users. Security is a foremost thing that the websites and apps of today have to focus on, which Youtube has always been doing for its world of users and contributors.

One of its security features is the Youtube restrictions.

What is Youtube Video Restriction?

The video streaming cum social media platform restricts its users in numerous ways to maintain peace and help the platform be legally fit to operate around the globe. When it comes to restrictions, Youtube is famous for its Restricted mode.

This restricted mode of Youtube, as it is called, is an optional setting that is introduced on Youtube to help the users refrain from seeing any potentially mature/adult content that they might not prefer to view. This feature simply keeps the Youtube users away from such content by screening them out!

How to Manage Restrictions on YouTube Videos?

The restrictions imposed on Youtube videos are built to prevent the viewers of the platform from viewing a particular video or to stop the monetization of such videos in case the user is in the YouTube Partner program. For example, many videos are sometimes not suited to be viewed by children under 18 years of age. furthermore, there can also be an issue with the content’s copyright.

Now, if you are wondering how you can easily check the restrictions on a particular Youtube video, then don’t worry because you would be able to do that easily. For this, you can simply get on to see the check restrictions that will be displayed in the YouTube Studio app, which you will find on your mobile device.

Simply check the restrictions that are there on your video. If you are now wondering whether these restrictions are impacting your video, then follow these methods listed below:

  • To begin with, you need to Sign in to your YouTube Studio first.
  • Then, you need to go to the left menu and select the Content option.
  • Here, you will get the Uploads tab, from where you would have to find your video in the list and then check the column that says “Restrictions”.

Now, in case you have a restriction listed there, then you can hover over it if you want to learn more about the same and then request a review from there.

What Are Types of Restrictions and How Can You Manage Them?

If you are under the impression that there is one single restriction on Youtube, then you are wrong because Youtube might impose a list of restrictions on your content if it wants. Yes, it does impose numerous restrictions on certain content if they try to breach the Youtube terms and policies.

1. Copyright

Copyright restriction is the primary type of restriction that Youtube is bothered about. Here, in case you have a Content ID claim or a copyright strike, which is often the case if you compose your video with audio or video from any other authentic source, you would be under this restriction. If you want to view whether your content is restricted, then you can simply visit the “Restrictions” column. Furthermore, you can also check your dispute status if you want, when you are disputing a claim.

2. Terms and Policies

Youtube terms and policies are huge and you might be breaching any one of the listed terms and policies that you need to be aware of while signing up on Youtube. In case your video is taken down, limited, or made private by YouTube for an issue involving the terms of use of the platform, then you can easily check it in the “Restrictions” column where you will get another tab mentioned as the “Terms of use”. For example, you will be able to see terms of use issue in the case:

  • Your video happens to consist of inappropriate content, which attempts to violate the Community and other Guidelines of Youtube.
  • You have artificially tried and succeeded in increasing the view count of your videos.
  • You have violated the YouTube Terms of Service.
  • There is a trademark issue with your video.
  • Your video has been subjected to a legal complaint.

3. Age-restrictions

Age restriction is another form of restriction that you may see appearing on your videos and eventually limiting or restricting them to a considerable amount. In case you have content with restrictions on the age, then you will find the following messages right after you visit the “Restrictions” column:

  • Age restriction (set by you)
  • Age restriction (set by YouTube)

4. Made for kids

Videos have always been categorized on the basis of the age group watching them. This is why you see “U” and “U/A”, based on age. Youtube has also imposed numerous restrictions on the basis of age, where most contents are for adults’ viewing whereas some of the contents are labeled purely for the children. Numerous restrictions are imposed by Youtube on the latter forms of content if the platform deems that the videos are not designed in a way that would fit children’s viewing.

Now, in case you are wondering whether your content is also coming under the same restrictions deemed by Youtube, then you need to simply check the “Restrictions” column on Youtube to confirm the same, where you would get either of the two:

  • Made for kids (set by you)
  • Set to Made for kids (set by YouTube)

5. Ad suitability

In case you are in the YouTube Partner Program and your video is running limited or no ads, then you would simply be able to view it in the “Restrictions” column. Furthermore, you can also opt for checking your review status when you have requested a review.

How to Turn Off Restriction Mode on YouTube Video

As we have already discussed, Youtube has its restrictions imposed on any video if and when it wants. These restrictions help the users to filter out the potentially mature content with the help of the simple details that Youtube wants for each video like titles, descriptions, metadata, and age restrictions.

These restrictions start with blocking some features of a video like the comments and might also end up in removing a particular video from the platform altogether if things go worse.

Now, in case you are looking to turn off all the restrictions that are imposed by Youtube on your videos, you can just do it without any hassles. Yes, it is pretty easy too, which would not take much of your time as well. The process would be quicker if you happen to be signed in to the YouTube account already in which you need to remove the restrictions. Furthermore, it is also important that you are using your own computer or laptop to do it because your login credentials and others would be involved here.

Besides, when it comes to restrictions it is not only Youtube, which restricts things on a particular computer or laptop, the administration of the system might also do so sometimes. Network administrators of numerous organizations like libraries and universities also use some protocols to enable the restricted mode on Youtube and some of which cannot even be reverted. If such a thing happens in the case of your Youtube account or its contents, then you will have to contact the administrator, who has the authority to remove the same.

However, if it is the Youtube account only restrictions that you want to remove, then we would certainly help you in the best possible way with the easiest of steps, which you can follow to eradicate the restrictions almost instantly.

How to Turn Off Restricted Mode on YouTube on Computer

If you are willing to turn off the Restricted mode on Youtube and you are sitting right next to your computer, then sit in front of it because you can remove the restriction simply with the help of your computer.

Here are some quick and easy steps that you can follow to do so:

  • First, you need to open and then click on your profile icon, which is usually located towards the top-right corner of the screen.
  • The next step is to scroll to the bottom of that menu and then click on the option that says “Restricted Mode: On.”
  • Now, you need to toggle the “Activate Restricted Mode” option off. As soon as you do that you will find that the option will go from blue to grey.

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Posted by
Dharmesh Donda

iStaunch is written by Dharmesh Donda, an avid Internet geek, IT professional since 2012. Have been in IT industry for more than a decade, and currently doing management and consulting work have taken a plunge into entrepreneurship.

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