While many of us easily forget our small wins in life, what stays with us for much longer is the losses we incur. This loss could be of a trophy, a beloved toy, a home, or even a loved one; no matter what the nature of loss is, it’s not easy for us to get over it.

The same is true for the loss of content we create. For a creator, every content they create, be it a painting, a post, a video, or a song, they put their essence into it, which is why it’s always special to them. And when such content is lost, we’ll try our level best to recover it anyhow.
In our blog today, we’re going to talk about one such loss: the loss of Instagram posts, photos and videos that you might’ve deleted mistakenly or on a whim but now want back.
Stay with us till the end to learn how one can recover deleted Instagram posts using Deleted Instagram Photo Viewer by iStaunch.
Deleted Instagram Photo Viewer
Deleted Instagram Photo Viewer by iStaunch is a free recovery tool that lets you recover deleted Instagram posts, photos and videos. Simply enter the username whose deleted posts you want to see and tap on the submit button. That’s it, next you will see others deleted Instagram posts.
Related Tool: Private Instagram Viewer & Instagram Location Tracker
Do You Want to Recover Recently Deleted Instagram Photos?
Had you asked us this question back in 2020, we’d have no helpful answer for you. However, with changing times, the features of Instagram have changed as well. Some of you might not be familiar with it, but back in February 2021, Instagram announced that they were rolling out a Recently Deleted feature on the platform. Now, let’s tell you a little about how this feature works.

At the heart of it, the Recently Deleted feature works more like a recycle bin for Instagram. After the introduction of this feature, whenever you delete any of the content you’ve posted on the platform, instead of being lost permanently, it will be sent to the Recently Deleted folder. There, it will remain for a significant period of time until it’s deleted permanently. This safety net gives you ample time to re-think your actions and restore the deleted content before it’s too late.
Initially, the Instagram Team had assigned different timelines to different kinds of content. The deleted stories would stay in this folder for 24 hours, while other forms of content (photos, videos, IGTV videos, and reels) would remain here for 30 days.
However, in one of Instagram’s more recent updates, they’ve decided to increase the time period of deleted stories up to 30 days as well, just in the user changes their mind about it later.
How to Recover Deleted Instagram Photos
Now that we’ve learned in-depth about the Recently Deleted feature let’s move on to talk about how you can use it to recover an Instagram video that you’ve deleted recently (in less than 30 days).
If you follow the steps mentioned below, you’ll be able to get it done efficiently:
Step 1: Open the Instagram app on your smartphone and go to your Profile tab by tapping on the profile icon on the bottom right of your screen.
Step 2: Once you’re on your Profile tab, tap on the hamburger icon located on the top right corner of your screen. When you do it, a menu will slide up from the bottom of your screen.
Step 3: The first option on this menu is of Settings with a cogwheel icon drawn next to it. Tap on this option to view your Settings.
Step 4: When you’re taken to your Settings tab, navigate Account from the list of options in front of you and tap on it to view your Account tab.
Step 5: You’ll find a long list of options on this tab. Scroll down all the way to the bottom, because that’s where you’ll find what you’re looking for.
Step 6: The Recently Deleted option is the third-last one on this menu. When you tap on it, you’ll see all the content you’ve deleted in the past 30 days arranged chronologically (from newest to oldest).
Step 7: Navigate this list to search for the photos or video that you need to recover. Once you find it, tap it open.
When you do, you’ll be able to see it in full view, with a three-dots icon located at the bottom right of the tab.
Step 8: Tap on this icon to view two options: Delete and Restore. In order to restore the video, tap on the second option, and when prompted for confirmation, go ahead and do it.
Once you go back to your profile, you’ll find that this video is back where it had been when you had initially posted it.
What if You Deleted Instagram Photo 30 Days Ago?
Now that we’ve solved your problem of recovering an Instagram video that you’ve downloaded recently let’s move on to another possibility. Let’s suppose this video was deleted more than 30 days ago. Is there a way you can recover it now?
We regret to inform you that if 30 days have passed, there’s no way to recover it on the platform. This video would already be removed from the Recently Deleted folder by now, and there’s no way you can restore it now.
However, while the doors of Instagram have been closed for you on this matter, you can always look at other places, such as your phone’s gallery. Most of the content you upload on Instagram is automatically saved in your gallery in the Instagram folder, so you could start by checking for it there. Moreover, if you back up your data on Google Cloud or iCloud, you also take a look at those places; we’re really hoping you find the video there.
For future reference, archiving content is always a safe bet on Instagram because that way, you’ll never have to worry about losing any content you create permanently.
In the end:
We began by talking about Instagram’s Recently deleted feature and how it works. We moved ahead to discuss how you can extract a deleted video from this folder, also attaching a step-by-step guide that could help you access it.
Lastly, we learned how a video that was deleted from Instagram more than 30 days ago could not be recovered on the platform. The only chance you have at finding such a video is in your smartphone’s gallery or cloud storage; if you use it, that is.
If our blog has helped you restore the video you were looking for, we’d love to know about it in the comments section below. For any other Instagram-related queries you might have, check out the Instagram section of our blog.
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