While the world of social media might be virtual reality, there are many similarities between it and our real world. Just like there are always some people you dislike or want to have nothing to do with in real life, you’ll find such people online as well.

Blocking someone on social media is the virtual equivalent of severing ties with them in the real world. And while there are some people you’ll always remember blocking, are you certain you can name every single person you’ve blocked on social media? The older your account is, the lower the chances are of that happening.
So, is there a space on social media that keeps the record of all the accounts you’ve blocked so far? What about Instagram? Does it offer such an option to its users? That’s what we’re here to talk about today. Stick with us till the end to find out the answer to your queries.
What Happens When You Block Someone on Instagram?
It’s always easier to begin with the basics, isn’t it? Therefore, before delving into finding blocking lists on Instagram, we’ve planned to throw some light on the basics of blocking.
What happens when you block someone on Instagram? Well, if you’ve been following them on the platform, or vice versa, both parties will be unfollowed automatically. Furthermore, both of you will be restricted from sending another follow request. You can neither send each other any message, nor call.
If you people have mutual friends, you won’t be able to see each others’ activity on the platform, including their likes and comments on the posts of those friends. And if the other party is tagged in any picture of a mutual friend, you’d be able to see the picture but not the tag.
Now that we’ve covered all that we needed to know about blocking, let’s move ahead on our quest of blocking lists.
Does Instagram keep a record of all the profiles you’ve blocked?
Without further ado, let’s answer the first question on your mind now. Does Instagram maintain a record of the people you’ve blocked on the platform? Yes, it does. As a platform, it stores the information about every single action you take, including blocking.
Now, we can easily guess what your next question would be: Can you access this record? Well, we’re glad you asked, because you can! This information is stored right inside your account for you to access anytime you like.
Not sure how to find it in your account? No worries, we can easily solve this problem. Just follow the step-by-step guide.
How to See List of Profiles You’ve Blocked on Instagram
Step 1: Launch the Instagram app on your smartphone.
You’ll land on your Home tab first. Navigate the icon bar at the bottom of your screen. You’ll find five icons here; the last one from the left is a thumbnail of your display picture.
Tap on it to go to your Instagram profile.
Step 2: Once you land on your Profile, you’ll find two icons on the top rightmost corner: The first one is the Create button and has a + symbol on it. The second has a Hamburger icon. Tap on the second icon here.
Step 3: Upon doing so, a menu will slide up your screen with multiple options listed on it, such as Archive, Saved, and QR Code.
The first option on the menu is of Settings with a cogwheel icon drawn next to it. Tap on it to go to your Settings tab.
Step 5: On this tab, below the search bar, you’ll find yet another list of actionable options, such as Notifications, Security, and Ads.
The third option here is of Privacy with a lock icon drawn next to it. Tap on this icon to open your Privacy settings.
Step 6: The Privacy tab is divided into three sections: Account privacy, Interactions and Connections. Scroll down to the third section at the bottom.
Step 7: Here, you’ll find four options. The one you need to select is placed second: Blocked accounts. As soon as you do, you’ll be taken to a tab that has the list of all the profiles you’ve blocked on the platform so far. You’ll also notice how there’s a blue Unblock button next to each profile, in case you want to reverse your action.
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