Hear Deleted Voice Messages on Whatsapp: WhatsApp is not just any other messaging app. It is an app that can be found on almost every smartphone in most of the world (except in countries like China and North Korea, of course). People use WhatsApp to chat with all kinds of connections. We chat with our friends, family members, and even our professional connections on WhatsApp.

Messaging on WhatsApp is not limited to just text messages. It allows users to communicate in any way they like- texts, voice calls, video calls, or even group calls. There is another way to convey messages on WhatsApp is through Voice Recordings. When we neither want to type lengthy messages nor make a call, the voice recording feature is a sweet spot.
We can convey what we want more quickly and easily through voice messages without going for a two-way call, which can be a lengthy and time-consuming alternative. The same is true for the receiver of the message.
But what happens if you delete a voice message by mistake? If you are reading this, you might be pondering over the same question. Can you restore deleted Whatsapp voice messages without backup? If yes, how?
These are some of the questions we are going to answer in this blog. We will tell you about voice messages on WhatsApp and what you can do if you accidentally delete them.
This blog is your one-stop solution if you have deleted an important voice message by mistake and want to restore them. So, keep reading till the end.
Can You Recover Deleted Voice Messages in Whatsapp?
Have you recently deleted a voice message mistakenly or in haste? If yes, that was bad luck. Are you now wondering whether it is possible to get them back? If yes, you are not entirely out of luck.
Yes, you can recover deleted voice messages in Whatsapp. What’s more, there is not one but multiple ways to hear deleted voice messages from Whatsapp. Let’s look at them one by one.
How to Recover Deleted Voice Messages in Whatsapp
WhatsApp comes with many features you might not know about. For example, did you know that WhatsApp automatically creates a local backup of your chats every day at 2:00 AM by default? If not, let us tell you that this feature might be a savior and can help you restore your deleted Voice Message.
1. Restore Deleted Whatsapp Voice Messages from Backup
Each day, at 2:00 am local time, your chats and media are automatically backed up by Whatsapp and stored in your phone’s internal or external (SD Card) storage. These local backups store all the messages and media, including voice messages, in an encrypted form and can be restored while installing WhatsApp again.
Now, let’s get back to our topic. If the voice message you deleted was sent to you before 2:00 am of the day you deleted it, it means it had been backed up before you deleted it. Which, in turn, means you can retrieve it!
Follow these steps to restore deleted Whatsapp voice messages through local backups:
Step 1: First, go to your Phone’s File Manager and locate the Databases folder of WhatsApp. The local backups are stored there in the Databases folder. Depending on your phone and WhatsApp version, you can find it in Internal or External Storage.
For newer versions of WhatsApp, go to File Manager > Internal Storage > Android > media > com.whatsapp > WhatsApp > Databases
In some phones, you might have to follow a different path: Internal Storage/External Storage > WhatsApp > Databases
Step 2: In the Databases folder, you will see the encrypted backup files, which look like this: msgstore.db.crypt14 and msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.1.db.crypt14
Copy these files, or copy the whole “com.whatsapp” or “WhatsApp” folder and paste it in a different location on your phone. We are doing this as a backup if these files get deleted in the next step.
Step 3: Now uninstall WhatsApp from your phone.
Step 4: Then, go to File Manager again. If you see that the WhatsApp folders are not deleted, you don’t need to do anything. But, if you find the WhatsApp folder is no longer there, paste the copied files or folder in the place where they were.
Step 5: Install WhatsApp again and open it. First, you need to verify your phone number. Use the same phone number that you were using before uninstalling WhatsApp.
Step 6: When prompted to Restore Local Backup, tap Restore. Hurray! All your chats and deleted voice messages will get restored.
Thus, we saw how local backups can help restore your deleted chats and voice messages on WhatsApp. But, in many cases, the option to restore local backups does not appear. Instead, the option to restore Google Drive Backup appears.
If you had backed up your chats to Google Drive before you deleted the voice message, your voice message can still be recovered. That’s in the next section.
2. Restore from Google Drive Backup
WhatsApp also provides the option to digitally back up your chats and media to your Google Drive. Therefore, Google Drive Backup can help restore your deleted voice message.
But please note that this method will only work if you have backed up your chats after you had received the voice message but before you deleted it. This particular time frame is essential for the method to work.
Follow the steps to restore deleted voice messages from your Google Drive Backup:
Step 1: Open WhatsApp and tap the three dots at the top-right corner of the screen. A list of several options will appear.
Step 2: Select the Settings option at the bottom of the list.
Step 3: Select Chats from the Settings screen. Then, scroll down to the bottom to the option of Chat Backup. Select this option.
Step 4: On the Chat Backup screen, under the Last Backup section, you can see the time and date of your last backup. See the time and date next to Google Drive. If the time of the last backup lies in the time frame mentioned above, you can proceed to the next steps.
Step 5: Clear the Data of WhatsApp by going to Settings>>Apps>>WhatsApp>>Storage. Tap Clear Data. This will erase all the WhatsApp Data stored on your device. But don’t worry, you will get back this data when restoring from Google Drive.
Step 6: Open WhatsApp and verify your phone number. After that, WhatsApp will start looking for any backups you might have, both online and offline. Thus, make sure you are logged in to the Google Account where you backed up your chats.
Step 7: Once WhatsApp finds a backup in your Google Account, it will ask if you want to restore it. Tap Restore. Depending on the size of the backup, it might take a while for the restoration to complete.
Once your chats are restored, proceed with the options till you see the “Initializing” screen. You will then land on your Chats screen, voila! You will see that all the messages and media sent and received till the time of backup are there, including the ones you deleted.
3. Third-party Apps
Many third-party apps claim to recover deleted WhatsApp messages and voice notes without requiring any Google Drive Restore or Local Backup Restore. They do this by creating what they call a ‘custom WhatsApp.’
We don’t recommend taking the help of these apps due to possible privacy concerns. However, if you intend to use them, do it at your own risk.
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