With the significance social media has slowly but steadily gained in our lives today, it wouldn’t be wrong to call the social media profile of an individual a window to their personality and life. This is because for a majority of those who are active on these platforms, it’s a priority to upload content around the stuff and people they like, be it in the form of stories, posts, or reels. If you do it, too, you should know that you’re currently among the privileged creators.

Coming back to profiles, because they can tell you so much about a person and what they’ve been up to recently, many Instagrammers check the profiles of people they’re no longer in touch with or had a row with from time to time, just to stay updated, and that’s completely normal.
Feeling curious about how someone you used to know once is doing in life, even when you’ve lost touch with them long ago, is natural for a lot of us. So, will this action still be valid for you if the person you want to look up has been blocked by you? That’s what we’re here to discuss today. Stick with us till the bottom of the blog to learn all about it.
If You Block Someone on Instagram Can You Still See Their Profile?
While blocking a user is an individual action on Instagram, much like any other social media platform, you must know well how it affects both parties involved in more or less the same manner.
What we’re trying to say here is you might block someone to avoid their calls, but it will also prevent you from calling them; unless, at least, you unblock them first. This might make one wonder if you’d still be able to check this person’s profile or not, and here’s the answer:
Yes, you will still be able to see the profile of someone you’ve blocked on Instagram, but ONLY PARTIALLY. Some of their profile details that will still be visible to you include their profile picture, username, bio, and mutual friends.
You’ll also be able to see the number of posts they’ve uploaded to date, but the posts – and reels and highlights – themselves will be hidden from you. Where they used to appear generally, all you’ll see is a black camera icon with No Posts Yet written below it.
Moreover, the numbers on their Followers and Following list will be replaced by zero. Following these details, you’ll find two buttons:
A blue one that says Unblock
A white one that says Message
To save you the trouble of figuring it all out by yourself, we’ll explain how these buttons work as well. The first button will help you unblock this person right away, but whether or not you’d be able to see their full profile right afterward depends on one factor: Do they have a public profile?
Because if they do, their profile will instantly be visible to you. If it isn’t, then perhaps this user has blocked you back.
On the other hand, if they have a private profile, you’ll first need to send them a follow request and wait for it to get accepted to be able to see their profile.
The other – Message button – will also work once you’ve unblocked them. There, you’ve got it all figured out now!
How to block someone on Instagram? A step-by-step guide
We hope we were able to clarify your confusion completely above. Keeping that in mind, are you still resolute about your decision to block this user? If so, we’d be glad to help you with the process with our step-by-step below. Take a look!
Step 1: Launch the Instagram mobile app by finding its icon in your phone’s menu grid and giving it a tap.
Step 2: As the app opens and you’re taken to your newsfeed, you need to head toward your profile first.
This can be done by locating a circular thumbnail of your profile picture located at the bottom-right corner of your screen and giving it a tap.

Note: We’ve brought you here expecting this person to be in your Followers or Following list; if they aren’t, you can simply look them up from the Explore tab.
Step 3: Once you land on your profile, scan the area next to your profile picture; you’ll see three metric options: Posts, Followers, and Following.
The latter two are links to the list of users that follow you – and you follow – respectively. Pick any list wherein you can find their name and give it a tap.

As the list opens, you can either scroll through it to find their name or take help from the search bar displayed on top.

Step 4: When you see their username, tap on it to view their profile.
Upon landing here, quickly go to the top rightmost corner and give the ellipsis icon there a tap.

A list of options will open on your screen next; select the second one that says Block, confirm your action, and voila!

Your job is done.
The bottom line
As we come to the end of today’s blog, let’s quickly recollect everything new that we’ve learned above. The focus of our discussion today was the action of blocking someone on Instagram and how it interfered with your ability to check the user’s profile afterward.
We talked elaborately about what details you would be able to see on their profile and what steps you need to take in order to view it in full display. Later, we also mentioned the step-by-step guide for blocking someone on the platform in case you need it. Were we able to solve your query? Tell us in the comments below.
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