See Missed Calls After Turning Off Airplane Mode: How many times do you unlock your phone daily? According to Google, the average smartphone owner unlocks their phone 150 times a day! In those 150 unlocks, how many times did you really need to use your phone for its primary function?

Yes, we’re talking about calling or texting. As more and more entertaining features are added to smartphones, people seem to have forgotten the true objective of the device. Smartphones have effectively become a waste of time; large chunks of time where our brains could be stimulated by reading are filled with mindless media consumption.
Some kids with phones don’t even have anyone to call; they like to look at them while eating or sleeping for entertainment. All these visual media is destroying the imaginative skills of young brains that can otherwise achieve great things.
The best way to tackle the growing smartphone usage problem is to restrict phone time for children and increase their exposure to new, thought-stimulating experiences.
Today, we’ll talk about how to see missed calls on when phone is on airplane mode. Read on till the end of this blog to learn all about it and other related topics.
Can You See Missed Calls When Phone is on Airplane Mode?
Unfortunately, you can’t see missed calls when phone is on airplane mode. A smartphone in airplane mode is basically a toy model of a smartphone. You can’t call, text, or connect to someone online. All you can do is visit the things you’ve downloaded for offline use, such as games, music, and photos. You can’t reach out to anyone else in the world with that phone, even if it’s an emergency.
Can You See Missed Calls After Turning Off Airplane Mode?
Yes, you can see missed calls after turning off airplane mode. When you turn off airplane mode, you’ll start receiving notifications for all the missed messages and calls. Your cell providers have to give you information about who called you and when while your device was unavailable.
You can quickly call them back now, but you won’t receive those notifications when the calls are placed in real-time, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Why are you asked to put your phone on airplane mode on flights?
You might be asking yourself the main reason why you have to do this, right? Why should anyone stay without their phones for an entire flight when they could get a lot of work done?
Well, the answer is a bit complicated, so bear with us.
When your phone is in the air and out of the reach of cell towers, they’re constantly looking for a stronger signal.
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