How to See Someone’s Comments on TikTok

Are you finally admitting you’re deep into TikTok? Well, it was high time, and this social media platform has us all in a tight grip. Now, we go on the app for different interests, right? It could be following a dance routine or pottery tutorials, but is simply watching ever enough?

see someone's comments on tiktok

More often than we’d like to admit, we stay for the comments. Every content posted on the app is an opportunity for viewers to chime in. After all, it’s a fun hangout where the creator and viewer can chat, joke around, and get weird.

Today, we will discuss how to see someone’s comments on TikTok. We’ll make it easy to find, so let’s jump right in.

How to see someone’s comments on TikTok?

Imagine wanting to see what someone else is saying on a video but having no idea how to go about this! But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! We’ll walk you through the ropes here.

First things first: comments left on a specific TikTok video are readily visible. The one limitation is that viewing the comments requires you to locate that video. By default, comments on TikTok are public, so if someone can watch a video, they will see your comments.

You know what to do, right? Well, once you get a hold of the video, nothing stops you from seeing anyone’s comments. Below, we’ll show you some good ways to see someone’s comments on this platform. Let’s get it.

Check your friend’s TikTok

Are you new to TikTok, or is it old news to you? You see, if you can find a video, you can also figure out how to view someone’s comments. And, if you have a hard time finding a video, nothing works better than checking your friend’s TikTok account. Now, what’s the relation, you may wonder.

Here, let us explain things further for you to understand. TikTok allows users to view the videos other users have liked. Once you’re successful in finding that video, you’ll be able to check the comments section easily.

There are two loopholes to this method. Firstly, if you have a particular video for which you need to check the comments, your friend should have liked the video. You can’t randomly check any friend’s liked videos and expect to find the video you have in mind.

Secondly, users can hide the videos they’ve liked, so if your friend has changed the settings, hard luck. But if they’re close to you, why not ask them to show you the videos on your next hangout?

See the TikTok account the user follows

Do you follow the person whose comments you want to view on TikTok? If you do, why don’t you take a good look through their account to see who they’re following?

Sometimes, searching for videos is useless if you don’t know where to look. You don’t remember the creator, and doing a generic search is not the way to go.

For example, you remember it was a cooking video. But is it really possible to check all the cooking videos on TikTok? The videos seem never-ending.

If you have a TikTok user in mind, go through their account, check their followings, and see all the creators they follow. Now, single out the cooking-related creators and pages and look for the videos and the comments.

Isn’t it much easier this way? We understand that this seems exhausting, and it is, but it is still far better than stumbling around in the dark.

Go through your FYP

The FYP or the For You Page on TikTok is the first page you come across when you open the app. Now, we know that the page is specifically tailored to your preferences and that the app’s algorithm is ready to present you with videos you might be interested in.

Every one of us is aware—and has likely heard repeatedly—that FYP for everyone is unique. But is it really that different? What do you think?

Well, you and your friends or any user on the platform will see similar content if you’re interested in similar things. For example, if you both like cooking, chances are you’ll see more from similar creators.

If you come across those videos in your FYP, run to the comments. If your friend or anyone you have in mind has commented on the video, you’ll find it here.

The best part? If you two follow each other, you’ll see their comments at the top of the video (yes, just like Instagram).

Bonus Tip: Why can’t you see any comments on TikTok?

It’s a little odd if you search for a certain comment on a TikTok video and suddenly fail to find it. Maybe the person who commented removed it, which is why it isn’t visible now.

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