Exploring the Role of Social Media in College Admissions

The college admission process can feel unbearable. But it’s definitely an important journey. The college admission essay, in particular, can be a make-or-break factor in your application. This is your chance to not only showcase your writing skills but also communicate your personality. You can demonstrate all the unique traits that a test score can’t capture.

If you’re feeling stuck or uninspired, browsing through online essays can be so helpful. Luckily, many websites have tons of academic samples, including free essays for college by PHD Essay or other resources. You can gain inspiration from these samples and understand how successful papers are structured, what language is used, and what themes they explore.

But remember, your admission essay should be entirely your own work. It should reflect your own thoughts, experiences, and voice. Plagiarism is a serious offense in academia, and it’s important to ensure your work is original and authentic.

Admissions to Colleges and Social Media

Social media is a part of many students’ lives today, and it carries both positive and negative impacts, extending even to the college admission process.

On the positive side, social media can be a valuable resource during the admission journey. Many universities maintain active social media profiles, sharing updates about application deadlines, campus life, events, and more. This can help students stay informed and engaged with their prospective colleges

Besides, social media platforms can be a great place for prospective students to connect with current students, faculty, or alumni, gaining insider perspectives and helpful advice.

Moreover, an applicant’s social media profile can sometimes serve as a “digital portfolio”. It showcases their passions, projects, or accomplishments that might not fit into the traditional application. For instance, a student who is an aspiring photographer might have an Instagram feed full of their creative work.

However, social media can also have negative impacts. Do colleges look at social media? Some colleges may look at applicants’ social media profiles as part of their evaluation process. Inappropriate content, offensive comments, or other digital missteps can potentially harm a student’s chances of admission. Because of the social media check, students should be mindful of their online presence and behavior.

Also, social media can also fuel stress and anxiety, especially if students start comparing their own achievements to those of their peers.

Social Media Analysis

Let’s break down some of the most popular social media platforms and discuss how each might influence the college admission process.

Facebook: This is like your online living room. Universities have their own pages where they share updates and news. Just be careful with your own posts, though. Imagine the admissions officer sitting right next to you while you’re posting. Would you still hit “post”?

Instagram: This one’s your online photo album. It’s a cool way to share what you’re passionate about with the world. Colleges often use Instagram to give you a glimpse into campus life. Just remember, anything you wouldn’t want your grandma to see, you probably shouldn’t post.

Twitter: Think of this as a public chat room. You can engage with colleges and stay updated on their latest news. But remember, your tweets are like a giant billboard for everyone, including admissions officers, to see.

LinkedIn: This is your online resume. Not every high school student has one, but it can show that you mean business. It’s a place where you can proudly display your academic and extracurricular accomplishments.

Snapchat: Some universities use Snapchat to give you a peek into the daily happenings on campus. Just be mindful about what you post. It might disappear after a while, but screenshots last forever.

TikTok: This is where you can let your creative side shine. Some universities even have their own accounts, sharing fun insights about campus life. Make sure your videos represent you well, though.

YouTube: This is your own personal TV channel. You can share videos about your interests or your journey towards college. Some students have even created college application journey vlogs.

Pinterest: Think of this as your online inspiration board. You can pin ideas for everything from study tips to dorm room décor. Some universities use Pinterest to showcase their campus, events, and school spirit. Be mindful of what your boards say about you, though.

Reddit: It’s like a giant online forum where you can find threads about nearly everything, including college admissions. Many universities have their own subreddits where you can learn more about the school from students’ perspectives. As with other platforms, always be respectful and considerate in your comments and posts.

Quora: This is a Q&A platform where you can ask about pretty much anything—including university life, admission requirements, and more. Make sure to present yourself professionally in your questions and answers.

Medium: It’s an online platform where anyone can publish their articles. Writing thoughtful pieces on your chosen field of study, for example, could showcase your passion and knowledge to admissions officers.

Keep in mind that everything you share contributes to your online persona. So be your authentic self, but also be smart about it. What you post can definitely influence how colleges see you. So, before you share, ask yourself, “Would I want my future college to see this?”

Posted by
Dharmesh Donda

iStaunch is written by Dharmesh Donda, an avid Internet geek, IT professional since 2012. Have been in IT industry for more than a decade, and currently doing management and consulting work have taken a plunge into entrepreneurship.

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