Can You Log Into BeReal on Two Devices?

Social media has taken over each of our phones, but sometimes, we long for an escape! We wish to get away from the heavily pushed trend of posting pretty pictures, fake candids, and filtered and edited images. The BeReal app has seriously defied social media standards by helping users to be real. There is no pretension, simply transparency and nudging to upload one photo per day.

can you log into bereal on two devices

We won’t delve into the app’s specifics, though, as you are already familiar with the platform. We know you’re here with a question that needs an answer, so let us start with that, shall we?

The question of the hour is, can you log into BeReal on two devices? Well, let’s learn about it in our blog today!

Can You Log Into BeReal on Two Devices?

Popular among Gen Z, BeReal stands out from many other rival apps. The application is being used on two devices by several people! It makes you wonder if you can sign into BeReal on two different devices.

In response to your query, you very certainly can. The BeReal app can be easily logged into on two devices.

We are aware that many of you are undoubtedly considering the situation’s legality. You can be confident that nothing will go wrong because you aren’t breaking any of their rules or terms of service.

Logging into the app is made simple if you have both an Android and an iPhone or two separate phones for personal and professional use. You can use the app anytime and from any two devices simultaneously.

Now, some of you may already be en route to using a different phone to log into the app. Others, however, are unsure of how to proceed.

Keep in mind that nothing is too complex for you to handle. Install the application, then log in as usual.

Still confused? Don’t be! We’ll let you know the steps below to kill your confusion below.

We assume you’re already signed in to the app from one device. If not, log in and move along with the steps.

Steps to log into BeReal on two separate devices:

Step 1: Go to your respective stores and search BeReal. Tap the install button once you see it.

Step 2: Open the app by navigating to it on the other smartphone.

Step 3: On the following page, you must provide your name and birthdate.

Step 4: There must be fields for entering your phone number, so please fill in the details.

Step 5: Upon following the previous step, you’ll get a verification code in your message box. You must copy the code and paste it here.

Done! You’ve logged into the app on two different devices without trouble.

Can you have two BeReal accounts with one phone number?

While we’re at it, we should also clarify the air on using the same phone number for two separate accounts. Many BeReal users are interested in learning more about it. Please note that you are only allowed one account per phone number! You cannot break or bend the rules here.

So, remember, you can log in to your old account if you somehow lost your old phone and brought a new one. The only prerequisite for recovering the old account is having access to your old phone number.

Do you know how to log in to the app on a new device? Let us explain the steps in detail to you below.

Steps to log into BeReal on a new phone:

Step 1: Navigate to the BeReal app on your new phone.

Step 2: Skip the overview next, and enter the necessary information in the specified fields.

Step 3: Your name, phone number, and birthdate must be entered in the blank boxes.

Step 4: Go to your device’s message box and enter the code for verification, and you’re done!

BeReal will establish a new account with the same number if you are unable to carry out the instructions. We understand that some of you are upset, but there is nothing more you can do about the issue.

In the end

That’s it, folks; we are about to wrap up our discussion. Let’s take a moment to consider the main points of the discussion.

We discussed whether it’s possible to log into BeReal on two devices. Additionally, we included the possibility of using a single phone number for two accounts. We have explained the steps, so make sure to follow them.

Please read the sections attentively and use the comment box to ask us any questions or doubts you have! You can also spread the word about this blog to fellow BeReal users so that they stay informed.

Have additional inquiries about the BeReal app? Visit our website for further updates.

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